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Bicycle Dropouts

Titanium 3D-printed bicycle dropouts designed for Davidson bicycles.

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Why I made this

Ashmun Group LCC. was tasked by Davidson bicycles to design and develop new dropouts for their custom bikes.


The resulting 3D-printed titanium drop outs created a more seamless design while reducing manufacturing and assembly times, components, and cost.

Design Brief

The project began with client meetings to establish the project goals and design requirements. Sketches were made to prototype design options and clarify functional requirements.


In addition, meetings were held with titanium 3D printing companies and metal 3D printing experts to determine requirements or restrictions for the design and evaluate the prototypes. 


Multiple iterations of plastic 3D printed prototypes were generated to check fit and clearances and improve the design. 


Next, an initial set of dropouts were printed in titanium with various finishing treatments to be tested on a prototype assembly for fit, assembly, and strength. Following additional client meetings, the designs were refined, including significant weight reduction, to create the final dropouts.